There are highs and lows that come with any relationship. A couple will tend to suffer over time if there are more lows than highs experiencing a relationship depression.  The connection feels may become strained and distant, with each partner feeling isolated and lacking in hope for the relationship. However, understanding the root cause of the distress and finding ways to overcome difficulties can lead to a stronger bond for a couple that increases their chance of relationship longevity.

Understanding Relationship Depression

Relationship depression isn’t just about feeling sad or disheartened; A complex interplay of emotions, communication patterns and dynamics within the partnership can lead a couple into a relationship depression.

Communication Breakdown:

Effective communication is the pivotal force that dictates whether a relationship remains healthy. When communication falters there is a greater chance of misunderstandings and a build up of resentment that can lead to emotional distance.


When conflict escalates or there is an avoidance of conflict altogether it can breed contempt and erode trust in the relationship. When conflict remains unresolved due to fight, flight or freeze responses it can push the relationship into a toxic cycle.

External Stressors:

External pressures such as financial difficulties, work stress, or family challenges can bleed into the relationship, adding strain and increasing negative emotions for each partner.

Individual Mental Health Challenges:

One individual’s overall poor mental health can significantly impact the nature of their relationship as well as their partners mental health in a significant way. Symptoms of anxiety, depression and unprocessed trauma can play havoc on a couple dynamic and rock the foundations of what was previously a healthy relationship.

Lack of Physical Intimacy:

Physical intimacy is associated with emotional, physical.  Feelings of loneliness, rejection, and disconnection can occur when there is a lack of physical affection and sexual connection. Physical intimacy can be rekindled usually once a couple resolves their issues and processes their triggers.

Lack of Romance

The difference between being house mates and lovers is the level of romance a couple brings to the relationship.  Work and parental duties often get in the way of a couple’s ability to connect in a romantic way that is due to a lack of planning and foresight of how to seduce one another.

A relationship depression can feel overwhelming, and take a little while to shift out of but can be achieved quicker with the guidance of a professional who can identify blindspots and help a couple to build healthier habits.

The best couple Therapy Models include Gottman, Imago and PACT to break out of the overwhelm of a Relationship Depression.  Overcoming relationship depression requires patience, and commitment.   When a couple practices open communication, gempathy, and prioritizing quality time and self-care, they can emerge from the shadows of relationship depression and experience a deeper bond than ever before.

If you would like a to book a couples session please contact me here.