There is one good reason why you may not be motivated to reach a certain goal or procrastinate when it comes to achieving a particular task. This can be explained by understanding the difference between your extrinsic and intrinsic motivation.

When you are extrinsically motivated you may attain an external reward that serves a purpose.  Studying for an exam may not be something you want to do, especially if you are not interested in the subject matter.  There is, however, the extrinsic reward of passing the exam, if you harness your energy into studying consistently.   There are consequences that come from not fulfilling those requirements that are extrinsically driven such as having to repeat the subject.

On the other hand, if you are intrinsically motivated, you are passionate about what you are doing, and it doesn’t involve struggle, dread, or avoidance.  When you have an interest or passion that inspires you there is zero effort required to do it. You maybe intrinsically motivated to renovate your home because you are a home body and enjoy a visual aesthetic. At a neurobiological level there is a dopanergic reward that comes with  intrinsic motivation.  In other words, you are getting a dopamine hit from choosing the colour scheme and furnishings of the dining room you are renovating, and you are in state of flow.

Of course, there are unenjoyable things that we must do in life to survive that require our extrinsic motivation.  However, when you get into alignment with what you truly value and what your real passions are, you will find a life that gives you more satisfaction and a means of navigating those extrinsic rewards.

Your intrinsic motivation determines what you most value in life. When you recognise what gives you the most satisfaction, you will understand what your hierarchy of values are, and you will be more productive and achieve at a higher level in life. Neuroscience supports that intrinsic motivation leads to enhanced learning, creativity, psychological wellbeing, and personal growth. Understanding your intrinsic values is one of the most important things you can learn that will make it easier for you when it comes to motivation and decision making.

It is possible to use the concepts of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards as a compass for mapping out your life and purpose.  If you would like to know more about how you can trust your judgement more and make better life decisions, contact me here.